Global News Russia Ukraine War

Brazilian President About Ukraine: The World Has Returned to the Mentality of the Cold War

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva once again spoke about the war in Ukraine. He stated that the world had returned to a Cold War mentality.

The Brazilian leader made a corresponding statement at the BRICS summit. He commented on the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and other conflicts in the world.

“In just a few years, we have moved from a good multipolar scenario to a scenario reverting to an outdated Cold War mentality and geopolitical competition,” Lula da Silva said.

At the same time, the President of Brazil called the return to the Cold War “stupid”, and once again criticized the UN Security Council.

” The current major conflict that is taking place in Ukraine has global implications… We do not underestimate the difficulties of achieving peace. We also cannot remain indifferent to the deaths, which are increasing daily. We are ready to join efforts that can effectively contribute to a ceasefire and a just and strong world,” the leader added.

Ambiguous statements by the Brazilian leader

It is worth noting that earlier the President of Brazil announced his readiness to mediate between Ukraine and Russia and even presented his “peace plan”. However, Kiev was skeptical about this because of the pro-Russian views of the politician.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized that he wanted to personally meet with the Brazilian leader and was even ready to visit Brazil if there was an official invitation. However, Lula da Silva ignored Zelensky’s words, as well as his invitation to visit Ukraine.

Source : RBC
