Post Views: 129 The European Union’s approach to tackling Foreign Influence and Manipulation Interference (FIMI) highlights the serious attention placed on combating disinformation, particularly in...
Post Views: 149 Wars are fought in many ways. In trenches, behind the wheel of tank, at the trigger of an artillery piece, in the rear supporting the troops...
Jailed Kazakh Businessman Calls On President To Revise His Case, Retracts Testimony Against Ablyazov
Post Views: 125 Jailed Kazakh businessman Muratkhan Toqmadi, who was sentenced to a lengthy prison term for his alleged involvement in a banker’s killing...
Post Views: 138 Washington (19/12 – 40). The Russian disinformation is centered on...
Post Views: 126 The first to come up with the idea was French President Emmanuel Macron – long before it was clear that Donald Trump would win the US...