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Five strategic commodities for Africa’s food security

“The future of the region depends first and foremost on producing what we eat,” says Ollo Sib, World Food Programme (WFP) analyst for West and Central Africa.

Sib is talking about food security across the continent. Already complex, the situation has become critical following both the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has disrupted grain markets, access to fertilisers, and fuelled widespread inflation.

As a result, “acute food insecurity is about to reach its highest level in 10 years in West Africa,” warned the WFP in April. Although the cultivation of rice, which is widely consumed in the region and still often imported from Asia, has risen sharply, particularly in Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal, this is not enough to solve the problem.

Some are calling for an emphasis on local cereals, including millet. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

Source: The Africa Report
